Monday, December 15, 2008

Are All Friends Created Equal?

I just came across this and found it worth while and wanted to share it with you.
It is regarding friendship in the workplace. I admittedly am not a strategic or focused
person by talent. However my strength of learning gives me opportunities to learn principles
that can help. Gallup Organization which publishes many of my favorite management and business related books has a new one I had not read before. The one sentence gist is what type of friend are you good and being and how can you share that with your teammates at work.

The title is Vital Friends, and it argues there are eight distinct types of friends...

Vital Friends Roles

BuilderBuilders are great motivators, always pushing you toward the finish line. They continually invest in your development and genuinely want you to succeed.
CompanionA Companion is always there for you, whatever the circumstances. You share a bond that is virtually unbreakable.
ConnectorConnectors are bridge-builders who help you to get what you want. They get to know you -- and then connect you to others.
CollaboratorA Collaborator is a friend with similar interests, with whom you can easily relate. You might share a passion for sports, hobbies, religion, work, politics, foods, music, films, or books.
EnergizerEnergizers are your fun friends, who always give you a boost. You have more positive moments when you are with these friends.
Mind OpenerMind Openers are the friends who expand your horizons with new ideas, opportunities, cultures, and people. They help you create positive change.
NavigatorNavigators are the friends who give you advice, and keep you headed in the right direction. You go to them whenever you need guidance, and they talk through the "pros" and "cons" with you until you find an answer.
ChampionChampions stand up for you and what you believe in. They are loyal friends who sing your praises and defend you until the end.
The question I pose to you and myself is which am I and how is that best shared in building friendships with those I work with?

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

What's In Your Wallet

The most important thing in my wallet is a small piece of paper wrapped with tape that is a piece of writing from Peter Drucker.

It is a summation of years of work and boils down the 8 steps effective executives follow it applies to being resposnible for anything: employee, husband, wife, community volunteer:

They asked, "What needs to be done?"
They asked, "What is right for the enterprise?"
They developed action plans.
They took responsibility for decisions.
They took responsibility for communicating.
They were focused on opportunities rather than problems
They ran productive meetings.
They thought and said "we" rather than "I"

Anyone who knows me well know that I've been doing the last one consciencly since I was seventeen. I even have it tattooed on my right forearm because I think it is so important to do.
I use this wisdom for my responsibility at home and for work.
What are you using?
I challenge you to think about it.
In my experience the first step asking the question what needs to be done is the most difficult to follow through on. Everyone knows what they want to do but not what needs to be done for the sake of their family or for their company.


P.S. The whole article is here and I highly recommend it if you are getting lost in the woods so to speak.

P.S.S. Life is an adventure to live not a problem to solve may you live it well. Much Love.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

2 Economies

You have heard it before but I think it is important enough to share again and again.
Someone reminded me of this a couple of weeks ago and I've been focusing on it ever since, especially after today.
There are two economies in this world: The one Out There That You have No control over includes: inflation, job cuts, stock market, Iraq, and every other thing reported in the newspaper Then their is the one In Here That You have total control over: includes how and where you use your talents and strengths, the immediate opportunity at work school etc.right in front of you, your bank account, your assets and liabilities, and your income and expenses.
The person who reminded me of this imagines a bubble is around his home and his place of work and inside those two bubbles are his economies and that is what he focuses on.
In my economy and the worlds economy the margins have become tighter... maybe they are for you too. Jes was laid off today and I am very grateful someone reminded me of this piece of wisdom. After all their goes half my economy... for now.We immediatley took action freezing spending, making cuts to non-essential monthly bills, are deffering loans, and made a committment to doing a 21 day health and fitness cleanse as we work together to get through this time. So I am not worried but I realized that it is in part to pieces of wisdom like this one.
Tomorrow I choose to get to work on my economy and in thanks to the person who shared this with me I am now sharing it with you.
All the best Ladies and Gents