Wednesday, December 3, 2008

What's In Your Wallet

The most important thing in my wallet is a small piece of paper wrapped with tape that is a piece of writing from Peter Drucker.

It is a summation of years of work and boils down the 8 steps effective executives follow it applies to being resposnible for anything: employee, husband, wife, community volunteer:

They asked, "What needs to be done?"
They asked, "What is right for the enterprise?"
They developed action plans.
They took responsibility for decisions.
They took responsibility for communicating.
They were focused on opportunities rather than problems
They ran productive meetings.
They thought and said "we" rather than "I"

Anyone who knows me well know that I've been doing the last one consciencly since I was seventeen. I even have it tattooed on my right forearm because I think it is so important to do.
I use this wisdom for my responsibility at home and for work.
What are you using?
I challenge you to think about it.
In my experience the first step asking the question what needs to be done is the most difficult to follow through on. Everyone knows what they want to do but not what needs to be done for the sake of their family or for their company.


P.S. The whole article is here and I highly recommend it if you are getting lost in the woods so to speak.

P.S.S. Life is an adventure to live not a problem to solve may you live it well. Much Love.

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